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Get Permission
Clear Cover Songs
Legally release your new audio-only version of any song in 1-2 business days.
$16.99 $12.74
per song, per format
Custom Licensing
Get permission to use copyrighted music for any purpose. We handle everything for you.
up to five songs
and 30%
of publisher fees
publisher fees
Seal of Authenticity
Prove you're legal by displaying this unique Seal with your product. Plus enjoy fee-free reorders for life.
per album or single
Original Music
Copyright a Song
Protect your music. We register your original songs with the United States Copyright Office.
per filing
$45 - $85
federal filing fee
Publish Your Music
Collect all your royalties worldwide. You keep 100% ownership and can cancel anytime.
per author
of income collected
Publish Additional Songs
Register additional original songs with dozens of agencies worldwide.
per song
VIP Membership
Enjoy ongoing services and save. Plus, get 20% off our service fees, all year long.
per year
All Access Membership
Enjoy ongoing copyrighting, publishing, and licensing services. Plus, get 30% off our service fees.
per year
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For Publishers
Publisher Support Services
Get relief from back-office tasks by adding our world-class music administration team to yours.
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Go Digital for Publishers
Manage requests you receive from us with our free online tools.
for publishers
For Partners
Partner With Us
Earn affiliate income by exchanging web links and referring clients to us.
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Web API for Partners
Add the best music clearance platform to your application.
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Free Copyright Research
Our licensing experts track down the copyright owners for you and provide results in 1-2 business days.
for everyone
Earn Referral Income
Earn 15% when you refer friends, followers, or customers to us for music services. No enrollment required.
Earn 15%
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Check out these recommended services from our trusted friends in the music business.
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