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Music On Your Time
Giddy Playlist

Earn a penny per play

Do you write and record your own songs? Earn a penny per play with Giddy.

  • Songwriters - Composition owner(s) earn $.005 per stream.
  • Performers - Sound recording owner(s) make $.005 per stream.
  • 2X Spotify - Double what Spotify pays.
  • 2X Apple - Double what Apple Music pays.
  • 10X YouTube - Ten times what YouTube pays.

Made for artists

Improving the lives of music creators with fair pay and artist-centric features.

  • Simple - Control your music at
  • Flexible - Keep your rights, cancel anytime.
  • Transparent - See time and location data for every stream.
  • Independent - Dedicated to your success.

fun for your fans

Enjoy music together with Giddy's patent-pending party mode and unique clock interface:

  • Party Mode - Smart, fair playlist collaboration
  • Real-time - Listen together from any distance
  • Clock Interface - See what plays when
  • Simple and Intuitive - Drop songs right where you want them